Odorrana supranarina Japanese Name: オオハナサキガエルChinese Name: 大臭蛙、八重山臭蛙English Name: Greater tip-nosed frogOrigin: Endemic to Ishigaki and Iriomote Islands The Greater Tip-nosed Frog (Odorrana supranarina) is a species endemic to Ishigaki and Iriomote Islands. Its species name, supranarina, refers to its larger size compared to the Okinawan Tip-nosed Frog (Odorrana narina). Males reach a body length of… Continue reading Greater Tip-nosed Frog
Author: YambaruWanyu
Crested Serpent Eagle
Spilornis cheela perplexus Japanese Name: カンムリワシChinese Name: 八重山大冠鷲English Name: Yaeyama crested serpent eagleOrigin: This subspecies found only on Ishigaki and Iriomote Islands The Yaeyama Crested Serpent Eagle (Spilornis cheela perplexus) is a subspecies of the crested serpent eagle, with a limited distribution on Ishigaki and Iriomote Islands. It is a rare species, with a combined… Continue reading Crested Serpent Eagle
Eiffinger’s Tree Frog
Kurixalus eiffingeri Japanese Name: アイフィンガーガエルChinese Name: 艾氏樹蛙、琉球原指樹蛙English Name: Eiffinger’s Tree FrogOrigin: Ishigaki Island, Iriomote Island, Taiwan Eiffinger’s Tree Frog belongs to the genus Kurixalus and is found in Japan on Ishigaki Island and Iriomote Island, exhibiting variable coloration. This species lays its eggs in tree holes, with both male and female frogs caring for the… Continue reading Eiffinger’s Tree Frog
Pavo cristatus Japanese Name: インドクジャクChinese Name: 孔雀、印度孔雀English Name: Common peafowl, Peafowl, Indian peafowl, Blue peafowlOrigin: India, Sri Lanka, and other South Asian regions The peafowl was first introduced to Okinawa Prefecture on Aragusuku Island in the Yaeyama Islands, and later in 1979 as an ornamental bird at a resort on Kohama Island. Subsequently, it was… Continue reading Peafowl
Amami Spiny Newt
Echinotriton raffaellii Japanese name: アマミイボイモリChinese name: 奄美棘螈English name: Amami Spiny Newt (Amami Crocodile Newt)Origin: Tokunoshima, Amami Oshima, Ukeshima This species is one of the most primitive members of the salamander family, often referred to as a “living fossil.” It is named for its protruding ribs on both sides of its body. The population is scarce… Continue reading Amami Spiny Newt
Ruddy Kingfisher (Ryukyu subspecies)
Halcyon coromanda bangsi Japanese Name: リュウキュウアカショウビンChinese Name: 琉球赤翡翠English Name: Ruddy KingfisherOrigin: Summer migrant to the Ryukyu Islands The Ryukyu Ruddy Kingfisher is a subspecies of the Ruddy Kingfisher (Halcyon coromanda bangsi). During winter, it resides in the Philippines, while in summer, it migrates to the Ryukyu Islands for breeding. Compared to the subspecies that migrates… Continue reading Ruddy Kingfisher (Ryukyu subspecies)
Amami Tip-nosed Frog
Odorrana amamiensis Japanese Name: アマミハナサキガエルChinese Name: 奄美臭蛙、奄美鼻先蛙、奄美尖鼻蛙English Name: Amami Tip-nosed FrogOrigin: Amami Oshima, Tokunoshima This species closely resembles the Okinawa Tip-nosed Frog (Odorrana ranina), found in northern Okinawa, but is larger in size. Adult frogs can grow up to 10 cm, and they exhibit color variations ranging from brown to green. They are highly alert… Continue reading Amami Tip-nosed Frog
Ryukyu Flying Fox
Pteropus dasymallus Japanese Name: クビワオオコウモリChinese Name: 琉球狐蝠English Name: Ryukyu Flying Fox / Ryukyu Fruit BatOrigin: Ryukyu Islands and Taiwan The Ryukyu Flying Fox is divided into several subspecies across the Ryukyu Islands and Taiwan. The Okinawa Flying Fox is relatively common on Okinawa Island. These bats enjoy a variety of plant-based foods, including new leaves,… Continue reading Ryukyu Flying Fox
Coconut Crab
Birgus latro Japanese Name: ヤシガニChinese Name: 椰子蟹English Name: Coconut CrabOrigin: Tropical islands along the Indian Ocean and Western Pacific coasts (though extinct on some islands). In Japan, they are found from the Amami Islands to the westernmost Yonaguni Island. Coconut crabs belong to the land hermit crab family. Juvenile coconut crabs carry shells like hermit… Continue reading Coconut Crab
Yaeyama Yellow Pond Turtle
Mauremys mutica kami Japanese Name: ヤエヤマイシガメChinese Name: 八重山柴棺龜、黃喉擬水龜English Name: Yaeyama Yellow Pond TurtleOrigin: Ishigaki Island, Iriomote Island, and Yonaguni Island The Yaeyama Yellow Pond Turtle (Mauremys mutica kami) is a subspecies of the Yellow Pond Turtle, found on Ishigaki Island, Iriomote Island, and Yonaguni Island. In 2018, the Yellow Pond Turtle was assessed as a… Continue reading Yaeyama Yellow Pond Turtle